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Basic training in craniosacral therapy

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  2. Welcome to the course
  3. Introduction of the initiator, Uwe Baumann
  4. overview and goals
    GK1 - Basics of CranioSacral Therapy
  6. GK1 - Tension Balance & Self-Regulation
    GK2: Diaphragms
  8. GK2: Diaphragm energy, envelope and point of ballance copy
  9. GK2 - Pelvic Meditation
  10. GK2 - Fascia and diaphragms
  11. GK2 - Demo atlanto-occipital region
  12. GK3: Cranium
    GK3: Cranium
  13. GK3 - Craniosacral Rhythm Meditation
  14. GK3 - Demo Os frontale
  15. GK3 - Demo Os parietale, Os temporale
  16. GK3 - Os temporale & CV4
  17. GK4: Skull base and pelvis
    GK4: Skull base and pelvis
  18. GK4 - welcome
  19. GK4 - Meditation attunement to your SSB
  20. GK4 - Demo compensatory dysfunctions
  21. GK4 - Primary Traumatic SSB Dysfunctions
  22. GK4 - Extended diagnostics/evaluation
  23. GK4 - Diagnostics in everyday life
    GK5: Demo Andrea
  25. GK5 - Treatment protocols, diagnostics & anamnesis
  26. GK5 - Quadrant diagnostics
  27. GK5 - 3 parts ANS
  28. GK5 - Uwe's personal experience
  29. GK5 - Trauma Skills 1
  30. GK5 - Trauma Skills 2
  31. GK5 - Demo Simone
  32. GK5 - Demo Simone 2nd part
  33. GK5 - Demo Simone 3 part
  34. GK5 - Demo Simone Part 4
  35. GK5 - Demo Julia
  36. GK5 - Demo Julia 2nd part
  37. GK5 - Demo Silvia
  38. GK5 - Demo Silvia 2nd part
  39. GK6: Graduation
    GK6: Graduation
  40. The basics
    The basics
  41. GK1 - Basics of CranioSacral Therapy
  42. GK2: Diaphragms
  43. GK3: Cranium
  44. GK4: Skull base and pelvis
  45. GK5: Viscerocranium
  46. GK6: Graduation
  47. From theory to practice
    From theory to practice
  48. First steps
  49. Mindset
  50. TIPS AND BEST pratices
    Practical examples
Lesson 22 of 50
In Progress

GK4 – Extended diagnostics/evaluation

Wilhelm August 18, 2022

It is not necessarily a diagnosis to find a clinical picture, but rather to
To evaluate limitations in liveliness, mobility and motility

00:00 What we want to find out :
Find densities and movement restrictions
Obtain information about the contact on the feet

02:00 how far you can stretch your focus

03:00 Just like you learned from working with the dura

03:20 Test contraction using the dipsticks

04:00 Arcing: Set in three dimensions
How to Find the Sluggish Fulcrum (of Dysfunction)

05:00 Locate fascial restrictions

06:20 Test internal/external rotation on all floors
Think spatially!
narrow down region find dysfunctions,
using the example of the pool

09:10 spatial three-dimensional testing
And adjust voltage balance

10:30 Abdominal diaphragm, alternative hand positions

15:00 Thoracic diaphragm, different hand positions
Explore collarbones, ribs, fascia….

16:30 Set the neck-shoulder relation unilaterally
listen to the spiraling fascia until the tension is balanced

18:00 What pace is good?

19:00 Contraindications

19:30 Alternative shoulder hand position in supine, lateral or in water

21:00 Water work can reconstellate the prenatal period

22:00 Dura traction via occiput: influence on peripheral nerves
Example of epidural anesthesia

23:00 Treatment setup

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