Basic training in craniosacral therapy
introduction -
Welcome to the course
Introduction of the initiator, Uwe Baumann
overview and goals
GK1 - Tension Balance & Self-Regulation
GK2: Diaphragm energy, envelope and point of ballance copy
GK2 - Pelvic Meditation
GK2 - Fascia and diaphragms
GK2 - Demo atlanto-occipital region
GK3: CraniumGK3: Cranium
GK3 - Craniosacral Rhythm Meditation
GK3 - Demo Os frontale
GK3 - Demo Os parietale, Os temporale
GK3 - Os temporale & CV4
GK4: Skull base and pelvisGK4: Skull base and pelvis
GK4 - welcome
GK4 - Meditation attunement to your SSB
GK4 - Demo compensatory dysfunctions
GK4 - Primary Traumatic SSB Dysfunctions
GK4 - Extended diagnostics/evaluation
GK4 - Diagnostics in everyday life
GK5 - Treatment protocols, diagnostics & anamnesis
GK5 - Quadrant diagnostics
GK5 - 3 parts ANS
GK5 - Uwe's personal experience
GK5 - Trauma Skills 1
GK5 - Trauma Skills 2
GK5 - Demo Simone
GK5 - Demo Simone 2nd part
GK5 - Demo Simone 3 part
GK5 - Demo Simone Part 4
GK5 - Demo Julia
GK5 - Demo Julia 2nd part
GK5 - Demo Silvia
GK5 - Demo Silvia 2nd part
GK6: GraduationGK6: Graduation
The basicsThe basics
GK1 - Basics of CranioSacral Therapy
GK2: Diaphragms
GK3: Cranium
GK4: Skull base and pelvis
GK5: Viscerocranium
GK6: Graduation
From theory to practiceFrom theory to practice
First steps
TIPS AND BEST praticesPractical examples
00:00 tuning in Convey security
00:30 Orientation, conveying security
01:00 Tune in, What do I perceive the client’s system?
give orientation
self reflection
01:45 Client Guidance: Help to regulate the ANS
02:00 Anchor resource
02:50 resource work in practice
Regulation via breath
04:00 Contact OTA
05:00 Indirect technique only INDICATION here
Nice release: breath and cranio rhythm synchronize
06:00 Why only hint?
07:00 Approaching zygoma
position of the therapist and
Check hand position in advance if it fits
09:00 Share perception
The auditorium holds the space for the client
This is how you learn to regulate as a witness, you become aware of your effectiveness
when you bring awareness into your presence.
11:30 a.m. The fear is still in the bones, the tremor is subsiding
12:00 Cheekbones tell the story
13:30 The first potency wave hits the bones
2:00 p.m. Heat regulation is THE significant detector:
here a deep regulation takes place in the ANS
3:00 p.m. resource work: I welcome you just the way you are
15:30 Feeling the region I work with in myself
It’s good the wave movement of attention from me to the client and
back and forth again, to cultivate
16:30 Entangled energy particles:
The energy quality, also the emotional circumstances during the trauma
are connected to the point that quantum physicists would say entangled
(BD1). So that the release usually includes the accompanying circumstances to the
surface brings.
This can be of use if you recognize one of the accompanying circumstances
can and grasp its meaning-or at least pick up the trail (in
in this case the movement dynamics of weaving).
17:00 Should the sutures of the zygoma be examined and released?
What do you think, how do you rate it?