How quadrant diagnostics in therapeutic practice helps you get to the point faster
01:00 posterior and anterior quadrants
02:00 ATTENTION, for the quadrant diagnostics we have to examine the rear part of the
Consider the occiput, see also quadrant diagnostics in
“Craniosacral Osteopathy” Thorsten Leem
06:00 quadrants in torsional dysfunction
08:10 If you haven’t done it yet:
HOMEWORK: Play the quadrant division for each SSB dysfunction
through and bring it with you next time
08:38 Relationships: sphenoid-frontalis-maxilla
09:10 occiput-temporal-mandible
09:50 Quadrants at Vertical Strains
10:00 a.m. Occlusion problems and trigeminal activity
This then becomes relevant again for the regulation of the nervous system (BD3)
12:30 p.m. treatment protocol sensible sequence:
FIRST Atlas-Occiput then SSB, then only Viscerocranium